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Introducing Ikegami Hideyuki

執筆者の写真: 秀志 池上秀志 池上

From now on I will introduce him here

​​ Profile Marathoner Ikegami HideyukiBirthday 27th Dec 1993, Birth of place : Kyoto in Japan

  1. Ikegami is a stoic man

  2. Ikegami is a tough man

  3. Ikegami sticks to the victory.

These 3 factors are my impression to Ikegami. You may know why I am saying these 3 factors through his article, so please looking forward to it!! Now let me move on to the main subject. I’ll write why we started our website and our relationship.​​

I met him in winter in 2009 for the first time. Then we were first grade of high school and Ritsumeikan high school which I was belong to and Rakunan high school which he was belong to trained together in winter vacation.I still remember how much I was impressed by his attitude towards athletics. Not only his attitude towards training made me impressed but also his mileage, attitude towards nutrition, recovery, studying and of course his any other factors in his daily life. And the most thing I want to mention here is that his conduct was in consistency with his vision. At that time I was also an athlete. So I didn’t want to lose to him. I thought if I beat him I could make it in athletics. But I had suffered from shin-sprint and stress fractures. As a result, I was able to run only 4 races in 3 years. I could never kept training constantly. While I couldn’t make it as an athlete, I trained seriously including cross training and rehabilitation exercises. Then I started thinking that I wanted to support a serious athlete and then I started thinking that I wanted to support him. During college timeFrom right after we became university students on, he won 10000m and half marathon at Kansai University Championship and beat Kawauchi Yuki who ran marathon 2:08:15.

He made good results, while I did nothing to support him, nevertheless I wanted to support him seriously.While he was engaged in long distance running. There was a big gap between us. That made us far away from each other. The incident which we started relating deeply. I had frustrated for a while. But then we got a chance for getting us working together.He quit being a member of his athletics club in his university. And then we trained and talked together more than ever before. Then I started thinking to support him also in the future strongly.

After the graduation of the university.

A Japanese marathoner named Fujiwara went to Iten in Kenya from the last December on and also Ikegami followed him to train there. At that time we still kept in touch but I never saw his training.During the time, I made a decision to study more to get an athlete brilliant. As I wrote down in the last article, I made some activities to make better ability and circumstances to support him after his going back to Japan. We restarted for the next goal after the Hannover Marathon

After Ikegami messed up at the Hannover Marathon, he went back to Japan. Now again I want to support him well. And I want also other people to chase his process as a marathoner. We will write his process as a marathoner because I want more people to know about Ikegami. That's why I made this website.I believe his thought x action makes a very good result.I hope also you readers are interested in him, please cheer him up and chase his race results!! written by Murakami Keiki and translated by Ikegami Hideyuki




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中学 京都府亀岡市立亀岡中学校

都道府県対抗男子駅伝6区区間賞 自己ベスト3km 8分51秒


高校 洛南高校

京都府駅伝3年連続区間賞 チームも優勝

全国高校駅伝3年連続出場 19位 11位 18位


大学 京都教育大学


関西インカレ10000m優勝 ハーフマラソン優勝

西日本インカレ 5000m 2位 10000m 2位

京都選手権 10000m優勝

近畿選手権 10000m優勝






実業団4社からの誘いを断り、ドイツ人コーチDieter Hogenの下でトレーニングを続ける。所属は1990年にCoach Hogen、イギリス人マネージャーのキム・マクドナルドらで立ち上げたKimbia Athletics。









ハーフマラソン 63分09秒

30km 1時間31分53秒

マラソン 2時間13分41秒

深澤 哲也



中学 京都市立音羽中学校

高校 洛南高校


大学 立命館大学(陸上はせず)












5kmの部優勝 など


3,000m 8:42(2012)
5,000m 14:57(2012)
10,000m 32:24(2023)
ハーフマラソン 1:08:21(2024)

​マラソン 2:32:18(2024)

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